With that said, when my turn to be Eve came, Victor was Alice, and Rene was Bob. They talked in secret generating the values of p and g. Then they made said values, and their respectives X and Y public:
- p = 17
- g = 14
- X = 15
- Y = 11
With this then I had to start to "hack" to obtain the values of x and y, and therefore the key. So I started first with obtaining x from the X function:
To get x, I just brute-forced my way with every number lower than p. In other cases this may not be really hard(here it is also not hard), but because I was doing it with pencil, without the use of a computer-calculator, this was pretty annoying.
So what I did, was the following:
As it can be seen, I just multiplied the current power of 14 by 14 again, and then divided by 17, to check the residue(module). If it wasn't equal to 15, the value of X, then I had to multiply again until it did. To see this in a more clean fashioned way, here's a table:
As it can be seen, I just multiplied the current power of 14 by 14 again, and then divided by 17, to check the residue(module). If it wasn't equal to 15, the value of X, then I had to multiply again until it did. To see this in a more clean fashioned way, here's a table:
x | g^x | g^x % p = X |
1 | 14 | 14 % 17 = |
2 | 14*14 = 196 | 196 % 17 = |
3 | 14*14*14 = 2744 | 2744 % 17 = |
4 | 14*14*14*14 = 38416 | 38416 % 17 = |
5 | 14*14*14*14*14 = 537824 | 537824 % 17 = |
6 | 14*14*14*14*14*14 = 7529536 | 7529536 % 17 = 15 |
Now, we can try the same with y. There was a probability that y was already in the previous table, but I didn't get any luck with that, so I continued from where I left. Unfortunately this wasn't any short, as it can be seen:
Another table for better understanding:
y | g^y | g^y % p = Y |
1 | 14 | 14 % 17 = |
2 | 196 | 196 % 17 = |
3 | 2744 | 2744 % 17 = |
4 | 38416 | 38416 % 17 = |
5 | 537824 | 537824 % 17 = |
6 | 529536 | 7529536 % 17 = |
7 | 105413504 | 105413504 % 17 = |
8 | 1475789056 | 1475789056 % 17 = |
9 | 20661046784 | 20661046784 % 17 = |
10 | 289254654976 | 289254654976 % 17 = |
11 | 4049565169664 | 4049565169664 % 17 = |
12 | 56693912375296 | 56693912375296 % 17 = 4 |
13 | 793714773254144 | 793714773254144 % 17 = |
14 | 11112006825558016 | 11112006825558016 % 17 = |
15 | 155568095557812224 | 155568095557812224 % 17 = 11 |
And that was getting y. With both x and y, now I just had to generate two K's separatedly, one using Y-x, and another one using X-y, with the formulas:
K = X^y % p = (15^6) % 17 = (15*15*15*15*15*15) % 17 = 8
K = Y^x % p = (11^15) % 17 = (11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11*11) % 17 = 8
So I concluded that the Key was 8, wth x = 6, and y = 15. Victor and Rene confirmed this.
No manches. 7.